My sister just recently bought a new house and so I figured my now 4-year-old niece would like some girly toys to go into it. After going up and down the Barbie aisle over and over again, I thought deeply about just getting her Hot Wheels cars and a Nerf gun.
She would've just as easily loved both of those. I would know because I got her a bunch of Hot Wheels cars and a city floor mat thing for Christmas and she always plays with my Nerf Gun. She isn't quite strong enough for her own Nerf Gun though because it's somewhat difficult to use and I couldn't get her Hot Wheels AGAIN.
So my eureka moment came when I thought of her getting her own room soon. I know that little girls always love fun furry pillows so I set out to find one. Much to my disappointment, Target had a pretty limited selection at the time. I walked around some more, stopping by the DVD section once or twice to see if I should by anything for myself.
And then I saw them... the coolest girly piggy banks ever. I knew she would love it because 1) she plays with one that is at my house and 2) I have a bowl full of coins that she always plays with. So I picked one up and carried it under my arm to the check out. Before I got very far though I found this 4ft body pillow that matched the piggy. I picked one of those up too.
So here I found myself walking through a pretty busy Target with a giant pink pillow under one arm and a pink piggy bank in the other. I wasn't really bothered by it at all because I'm used to carrying around girly stuff for my nieces but I did get some pretty funny stares.
The cashier lady did one of those raised eyebrows to me as in to mean "really now? All this pink?" And that raised brow forced the sarcasm out of me and I had to say "I'm redoing my room... I needed these to match my bed and curtains. Do you know if Target carries pillow cases that look like this, too?" She let out one of those weird laughs when you're in an awkward moment and not sure what to say. All I could think of after saying that was I wondered if people even use curtains anymore.
BTW: My niece loved them. Apparently she's been bugging my sister about the piggy bank for quite some time and she made good use of the pillow as a crash landing pad.
"Thinking of others above ourselves is the best thing we can do at times."
Just wanted to say that I like your quotes at the end of every entry.