Sunday, February 28, 2010

Woo.. First Post

Call it boredom, another adventure, or an outlet, but starting this blog is probably the best thing for me. Sure I have a Facebook to post pictures and talk about my daily life, but it doesn't allow me to share the way I want to share. RSS feeds, Check! Tabs, Ooo yea! And my never ending need to share interesting things, you betcha!

The first post is always the first awkward.. like a first date. I really don't know what to say or how you'll react. Are you really going to read this; do you even care; what are you going to think of me; why is time going so slow?.. all of these questions on the first date can be overwhelming. Luckily I don't have to decide if I'm going to kiss you goodnight or not!

If any of my posts do not make sense, it's not that I don't have a knowledge of proper grammar and punctuation. It's that I'm going to write this just as my mind thinks: somewhat all over the place but usually the point comes across correctly.

I'm making this first post short because like getting coffee on that first date, it's about getting to know each other but not putting it all on the table.

"It's the simple things that make life amazing."