Why is there an "About Me" tab when I also have an about me section right there.... to your right...follow the arrow if you never learned which is your left and right.
... you were really expecting me to draw an arrow?
If you want a biography of me here it is:
Robert Porter was born in San Mateo, CA on January 23rd, 19-- (guess my age). He has lived his entire life in the same house, with the same family of 7. Though currently working in the marketing department of a certain internet based retail store of swimwear and swim gear, he wishes to one day own a business. His most current project is Unbounded Design, which is a graphic design company that is also a place for business owners to network and help with one another through forums and monthly events. Past business ideas include: life coaching, landscaping, dog walking, social networking website, summer camp owner, restaurant owner, cafe owner, remote control vehicle developer, web programmer, fun-times coordinator, investor, and most importantly: being a bum. Some of those made it into reality whereas others were just "things to consider."
He enjoys long walks on the beach, buying flowers, and making people laugh. That sounded really cheesy and partially not true. The truth is that I enjoy adventures, whether they are simply relaxing on a beach or running down a mountain. I love to garden and buying flowers usually ties in with that.. and I enjoy buying a bouquet of flowers to give to people. And making people laugh is always good, but it's not my goal to make people laugh. I just want people to smile and have that feeling that things are going great... you know that sigh of "life's good" even when chaos is around?
This blog is mainly about me, so the "About Me" section almost seems trivial... read through my blog to get to know me haha.